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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

International Consultant, Training of prison staff, OSCE Presence in Albania, Tirana

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Closing date: Sunday, 1 August 2021

Tasks and Responsibilities:

Under the supervision of OSCE National Legal Officer, the consultant will perform the following tasks:

  1. Preliminary discussion/meeting with the OSCE National Legal Officer and representatives of the Ministry of Justice and/or General Directorate of Prisons to collect input for the training session.
  2. Compile a draft programme for the training of prison staff of the Special Regime on the human rights compliant management of high-risk prisoners.
  3. Realization of the training of the prison staff of the Special Regime. The focus of the training will be on the concepts, tools and skills that are needed to manage the high risk offenders in the Special Regime. In addition, the course will focus on relevant international standards on the Special Regime, including ECHR standards as well as lessons learned from other countries that have a similar regime, such as Italy.    
  4. Prepare hand-out materials for training participants, including at least a case study;
  5. Collect feedback and recommendations from participants in the training;
  6. Prepare a report for the training with recommendations for future training needs of the prison staff of the Special Regime. The report on the training should be at least 5 pages long, Times New Roman 12, 1.5 space, justify.

The international expert is expected to travel to Tirana, Albania for the training.


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

National Consultant on Special Regimes in Prisons, OSCE Presence in Albania, Tirana

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Closing date: Sunday, 1 August 2021

Tasks and Responsibilities

Under the supervision of OSCE National Legal Officer, the consultant will perform the following tasks:

  • Pr eliminary discussion/meeting with the OSCE National Legal Officer and representatives of the Ministry of Justice and/or General Directorate of Prisons to collect input for the training session.
  • Realisation of the training of the prison staff of the Special Regime. The focus of the training will be on the legal framework on the Special Regime, including Rules of Procedure on the Special Regime.
  • Prepare hand-out materials for training participants;
  • Collect feedback and recommendations from participants in the training;
  • Prepare a report for the training with recommendations for future training needs of the prison staff of the Special Regime. The report on the training should be at least 5 pages long, Times New Roman 12, 1.5 space, justify

Monday, July 26, 2021

UNOPS - Support Services Senior Assistant - Tirana, Albania

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Closing date: Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager, the Support Services- Senior Assistant will be responsible for provision of technical and administrative assistance, including processing of financial data, to the implementation of all Project related activities. The Senior Assistant will undertake the following activities/responsibilities: Administration:

  • Support day to day general administrative activities covering expense claims, premises maintenance, transport and logistics, security issues and ensure safety of equipment and property;
  • Assist to summarize and/or highlight information for general administrative matters and make research and compile material for briefing and presentations on administrative matters;
  • Support, on an as needed basis, the procurement activities including participating in bid opening boards, evaluation assistance, market research;
  • Support with project management report obligations: planning of timely delivery of reports (to client and internally), preparation of reports, update work plans if needed, keeping track of progress in between reporting moments;
  • Act as UNOPS Albania Travel Focal Point, prepare travel authorization forms, calculate the travel costs, and liaise with approved travel agent in obtaining tickets, security clearance and ensuring necessary logistics' arrangements have been made;
  • Draft meeting minutes, correspondence, reports, evaluation and justification, as required on general administrative and specialized task that may be of confidential nature;
  • Assist in developing effective systems and procedures to improve and streamline work and communication flow within the team to meet the business requirements;
  • Assist in maintaining and repair of office equipment and other properties.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

UN women - National Consultant - Tirana

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Closing date: Monday, 26 July 2021

Under the direct supervision of the UNWOMEN GREAT Project Manager, guidance of the International Consultant as well as in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the draft strategy experts, the national consultant is responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Conduct desk review and consult relevant information on key national/international reports, studies and analysis related to gender equality and women’s empowerment standards applicable to the agriculture, rural development and fisheries sectors.
  2. Based on the desk review prepare a summary document (in English) highlighting achievements and key gaps/issues that need to be addressed for informing the Technical Note that will be prepared by the International Consultant.
  3. Provide any other input needed to the International Consultant for finalizing the Technical Note;
  4. Coordinate closely with experts from the MOARD and other draft strategy consultants in acquiring relevant information regarding the strategy preparation process, format and progress;
  5. Assist the International Consultant with ad-hoc research work and relevant information from local publications.
  6. Provide inputs for the performance monitoring framework for the new strategy with regards to integration of gender-related SDG indicators, disaggregated data and other relevant gender indicators; Collect indicator values/baselines, provide inputs to the indicators passports and support the Ministry and team of experts in setting up the targets for the proposed indicators;
  7. Prepare short briefs, presentations and inputs to be used in meetings, consultations and other fora upon request by UN Women, in coordination with other strategy experts;
  8. Participate in meetings, working groups and consultations and provide relevant inputs as agreed;
  9. Other related field work as instructed by the International Consultant and UN Women.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Österreichische Botschaft - Sachbearbeiter/ Sachbearbeiterin für Übersetzungen/Medienbeobachtung und konsularische Aufgaben - Tirana

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Einreichfrist: 10. August 2021

Folgende Aufgaben kommen auf die erfolgreiche Kandidatin/ den erfolgreichen Kandidaten zu:

Schriftliche Übersetzungen Albanisch-Deutsch / Deutsch-Albanisch
- Beobachtung der lokalen Presseberichte und Analyse
- Anlassbedingte Recherchen samt deutscher Ergebniszusammenfassung
- Konsularische Aufgaben: u.a. Auskunftserteilung in konsularischen Routineanfragen in albanischer Sprache, Bearbeitungen von Visa- und Aufenthaltsanträgen unter Aufsicht der Konsulatsleitung, konsularische Hilfestellungen in Notfällen, fallweise Schalterdienst
- Mithilfe bei der Betreuung der Web-Page der Botschaft
- fallweiser Telefondienst

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

OSCE - Project Officer (NP1) - Tirana

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Closing date: Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Tasks and Responsibilities:

The Project Officer will primarily be responsible for planning, scheduling, implementing, monitoring and reporting on all project activities from the narrative and financial angle, for supervising the logistics of the project, as well as for co-ordination and outreach with donors and partners, to ensure that project activities take place as scheduled in coordination with all relevant partners.

Under the supervision of the Head of Democratization Department, the Project Officer will perform the following tasks: 1. Prepares schedules and coordinates projects' activities, experts and partners in relation to all project tasks, coordinates and cooperates with project assistant(s), develops and implements work plans, timelines on activities as planned in project and proposes corrective actions and changes as needed. 2. Plans and follows the expenditures of the project and provides financial and narrative reports, addresses with the Presence comments and requests for information as indicated by the donor 3. Monitors all project activities and provides regular reporting, input for the promotion of the project and feedback to the Presence 4. Plans, facilitates, and conducts meetings and trainings according to the activities planned in project individuals, institutions and other interested organizations in the framework of the project activities 5. Measures, evaluates, and communicates project performance, consults with Presence and provides problem - solving assistance on matters related to project and activities 6. Facilitates public relations and communications between beneficiaries and project on the project implementation 7. Performs other duties as needed

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

UNOPS - Communications and Media Senior Associate - Tirana

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Closing date: Sunday, 11 July 2021

Stakeholder Management:

  • Maintain an online filing system for the Communications Unit.
  • Support in building good relations with relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, civil society organizations, private sector companies, UN agencies, INGOs, research institutes and media.
  • Conduct country specific research and analysis on donor and partners focus areas, funding cycles, processes and identify opportunities for Albania Office project development.
  • Keep the Albania Office's business plan and business acquisition trackers up-to-date in coordination with relevant personnel.

Monday, July 5, 2021

OSCE - Project Assistant, OSCE Presence - Tirana

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Closing date: Saturday, 10 July 2021

Tasks and Responsibilities:

The incumbent has specific technical knowledge on issues pertaining to anti-corruption, good governance and economics, providing support to the National Project Officer (NPO) and to the Head of Department.

Under the overall supervision of the National Project Officer (NPO) of Economic and Anti-Corruption Issues, the successful candidate will be tasked with the following duties:

  • Assisting in planning, drafting, developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating all projects on Anti-Corruption;
  • Monitoring, analysing, conducting research on national and international developments on issues pertaining to anti-corruption measures, economic crimes, legislative processes, including those related to good governance at all level;
  • Preparing briefings, reports on those topics for the NPO and the Head of Department.
  • Liaising for administrative issues with other Presence departments, national and international consultants, donors organizations and Governmental institutions (i.e. senior national and international governmental officials) in coordination with the NPO.
  • Acting as an interpreter/translator on matters relating to project activities from English, into Albanian language and vice-versa when required.
  • Performs other duties as assigned.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

UNOPS - Project Management Support - Advisor - Tirana

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Application period: 06 July

Working under the supervision of the AUMCO Albania Country Manager, and in close coordination with the AUMCO HoSS and PMO, the Project Management Support – Advisor will play a key role in helping the AUMCO Albania Country Management with ensuring the effective planning, management and monitoring of these projects, while coordinating the delivery of their operations services and activities.

  • Operational leadership, advisory and technical support

  • Project planning and coordination support

  • Procurement

  • Financial and grants management

  • Human resources management

  • Administration and ICTs

  • Knowledge management and innovation

Saturday, July 3, 2021

OSCE - Project Assistant - Tirana

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Closing date: Sunday, 4 July 2021

Tasks and Responsibilities:

Within the limits of the Project timeframe, the incumbent assists the Project Officer in the implementation and monitoring of the Youth Trail component of the project, with a focus on administrative and logistical support, reporting and follow up, providing general support to the project implementation based on the schedule defined by the Project Officer and the Head of Department. 

The Project Assistant will support and assist the Project Manager (NPO) in scheduling, implementing, monitoring and reporting of those project activities, which constitute the YouthTrail components from the logistics, narrative and financial angle.They will directly support the logistics and the financial reporting of the project, to ensure that project activities take place as scheduled and within their budgetary limits.

To this end, under the supervision of the Project Manager, the Project Assistant will perform the following tasks:

  • Assisting with the implementation of Youth Tail, activities and logistical and travel arrangements;
  • Maintaining a financial consolidated system for the financial transactions for expense of project activity/payments;
  • Coordinating, monitoring and evaluating all expenses related to Youth Trail;
  • Making sure that the Presence’s protocols and documents related to travel, safety of participants, accommodation and            lodging are fully implemented;

Friday, July 2, 2021

OSCE - International Consultant, IT Networking and Cloud/Web-based System - Tirana

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Closing date: Sunday, 4 July 2021

Tasks and Responsibilities:

Under the supervision of the National Anti-trafficking Officer, the Consultant will perform the following: Task 1: Identify and propose for approval and purchase, an appropriate cloud/web-based system and architecture that satisfies the requirements specified by the Presence.

Task 2: Once appropriate licences have been purchased, oversee the installation of the system which includes but is not limited to:

  • Ensure that all emails and chat addresses are created and functional.
  • Identify and set up appropriate group privileges.
  • Create the structure for the library so that the Presence can upload files.
  • Enable pre-population of injects within the system by DIREX staff.
  • Recommend solution and create a structure of the directory for the Presence to populate.
  • Ensure there is a backup/restore option available (option may already been built in with the solution).

Thursday, July 1, 2021

OSCE - International Consultant, Parliamentary Affairs - Tirana

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Closing date: Friday, 2 July 2021
Tasks and Responsibilities:
The International Consultant will work under the supervision of the National Legal Officer and the Project Manager.The International Consultant will have to complete the following tasks: Task 1: Prepare an inception report (up to 5 pages) which should include the following:
  • Work-plan including input received from the local expert;
  • Outline of the assessment methodology to be used for preparing the feasibility study, detailing required tools;
  • A list of potential stakeholders to be consulted interviewed from international academic institutions where similar courses exist and/or local ones;
Task 2: Based on desk research conducted by the local consultant/expert, review and complete the proposed methodology to include data from:
  • Mapping of existing similar courses\initiatives in Albania and international best practices;
  • Summary of legal /quality standards graduate programmes have to comply with in virtue of the enacted domestic legislation;
  • Two brief reports detailing findings and conclusions from discussion with international and/or local stakeholders.
Task 3: Conduct a comprehensive assessment for introducing a graduate academic programme on parliamentary affairs through at least five (5) online interviews with local stakeholders working in the education sector in the country, as well as other relevant stakeholders with knowledge on the subjects.