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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

OSCE - National Consultant, Legal (Human Trafficking) - Tirana

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Closing date: Thursday, 1 July 2021



1.1 Draft report describing:

  • Processes involving victims' identification, assistance and referral, coordination mechanisms and institutions and relevant contacts, with separate schemes for adults and children.
  • Institution members of the Anti-Trafficking National Referral Mechanism, including contact information of the members.
  • Responsible Authority of the Anti-Trafficking National Referral Mechanism, with a description of duties, roles and contact information.

1.2 Sample of the schematic diagrams for each of the descriptions under point 1.1. The sample must contain the variety of processes, providing a visual representation of all of the individual tasks, processes and accurate description of titles and duties.

By 5 July 2021


Consultations with the anti-trafficking directorate, State Agency of Children's Rights and Protection, Ministry of Interior for updated information and refection of feedback. Meetings will be facilitated by the Presence.



Final report and schematic diagram, based on feedback from the OSCE Presence in Albania

By 15 July 2021

COUNCIL OF EUROPE - Senior Project Officer - Tirana

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Closing date: Monday, 5 July 2021

Job mission
 Under the authority of the Head of Office, and the supervision of the Head of the Economic Crime and Cooperation Division (ECCD), Action against Crime Department, Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI), the incumbent will carry out multiple assignments to meet the overall and specific objectives for the implementation of the Horizontal Facility Phase II: Action against Economic Crime in Albania.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

OSCE - Local Expert on Parliamentary Affairs, OSCE Presence - Albania, Tirana

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Closing date: Monday, 28 June 2021

Tasks and Responsibilities:

The Local Expert will work together with the International Expert, under the guidance of the National Legal Officer and the National Reporting and Outreach Officer. The Local Expert will have to complete the following tasks:

  • Provide input to the preparation of an inception report by the International Expert, through a summary of main findings from publications/reports in Albania on the subject as well as suggestions on potential stakeholders to be interviewed;
  • Map existing/current similar initiatives /graduate programs in the country by conducting desk research of available secondary data, and independent additional online-meetings (tbc) with key educational specialists in the form of a report in English (at least 5 pages).

Monday, June 21, 2021

UNV - Risk Communication and Community Engagement / partner liaison - Tirana, Albania

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Closing date: Monday, 5 July 2021

Description of task

Under the direct supervision of the Risk Communication & Community Engagement - NPO, the UN Youth Volunteer will undertake the following tasks:

  • Contributes to the development and implementation of broader health promotion efforts and of the COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) action plan for the WHO country office, through supporting the implementation of the RCCE activities and plans, including COVID-19 vaccine safety communication;
  • Supports data and evidence collection to identify key target audiences with a focus on at-risk and vulnerable groups;
  • Based on existing data and evidence, assists with developing relevant RCCE messages and materials (brochures, leaflets and posters including graphic design; animated videos; radio and TV scripts; social media content), campaigns, and other initiatives, in languages and formats used by target audiences;
  • Participates in deploying health promotion and RCCE messages, materials, campaigns etc. to key target audiences via trusted sources (influencers) and channels, including web, media and social media
  • Supports health advocacy and strategic communication activities to improve understanding and appreciation of the role and impact of WHO's Health Emergencies Programme
  • As part of the team, the youth volunteer will support WHO Country Office coordination with UN agencies, nongovernmental organizations and civil society organizations through preparing and providing health updates, support the development of health information products, including updates on the WHO coordinated UN Country team COVID-19 response;
  • Supports resource mobilization efforts, prepares presentations and PPTs for partner and donor briefs, background materials, etc.;

Sunday, June 20, 2021

OSCE - International Intern, Democratization Department, OSCE Presence - Albania, Tirana

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Closing date: Tuesday, 29 June 2021

The key priority areas of the Democratization Department are:

  • Assembly support focused on assisting the Members of Parliament and parliamentary committees, increasing the transparency and accountability of the Assembly and strengthening its efficiency and oversight responsibilities.
  • Electoral reform in Albania through supporting the process of electoral reform through number of ways including the implementation of OSCE/ODIHR recommendations by the Assembly, political parties and relevant national authorities
  • Media development monitors and supports media freedom and media development in the country through various means - ranging from upgrading professional standards to securing the legal framework in full compliance with OSCE principles
  • Civil Society, Gender and Youth portfolio contributes to the advancement of the democratic development of the country with targeted activities promoting democratic values and active citizenship. Promoting gender equality and women's role at the national and local level. Support youth mainstreaming and directing youth empowerment, encourage youth regional co-operation through RYCO and other regional initiatives;

Saturday, June 19, 2021

UNDP - Regional Project Manager- Tirana, Albania

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Closing date: Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Coordinate overall management and implementation of the Project

for the achievement of project targets and results:

  • Liaises with the Project Board to assure the overall direction and integrity of the project in line with the decisions and recommendations of the Project Board;
  • Plans the activities of the project in line with the approved project document and monitors progress against the project results framework and the approved annual workplan; reviews and appraises detailed project plans, including the multi-year work plan and ATLAS reports covering activity definition, updated risk log and the monitoring schedule plan;
  • Mobilizes personnel, goods and services to initiative activities, including drafting terms of reference and work specifications, and overseeing all contractors' work;
  • Provides strategic guidance and management oversight to the project team, reviewing and clear on a regular basis progress reports from partners, deliverables, disbursements and budgets to ensure implementation is on track;
  • Carries out regular follow-up and monitoring of implementation activities as well as regular monitoring and reporting on risks and mitigation measures.
  • Coordinates preparation and provide technical inputs and consult work-plans for implementation of the project in close consultation with key partners incl. UNDP Country Offices and the national governments involved as per the Project Documents. Implements the project monitoring plan/timetable, and update the plan as required;
  • Manages requests for the provision of financial resources by UNDP, through advance of funds, direct payments or reimbursement using the fund authorization and certificate of expenditures;
  • Monitors financial resources and accounting to ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial reports;

Sunday, June 6, 2021

ONOPS - Project Management Support - Tirana

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Closing date: Monday, 6 July 2021

Working under the supervision of the AUMCO Albania Country Manager, and in close coordination with the AUMCO HoSS and PMO, the Project Management Support – Advisor will play a key role in helping the AUMCO Albania Country Management with ensuring the effective planning, management and monitoring of these projects, while coordinating the delivery of their operations services and activities.

  • Operational leadership, advisory and technical support

  • Project planning and coordination support

  • Procurement

  • Financial and grants management

  • Human resources management

  • Administration and ICTs

  • Knowledge management and innovation

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Project Assistant for Gender Rural Equality and Tourism (GREAT) Project and EU for Gender Equality UN Joint Programme, Tirana, Albania

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Application Deadline : 02-Jun-21

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager for Gender Rural Equality and Tourism (GREAT) project and the Project Manager for EU for GE UN Joint Programme, the Project Assistant is responsible for the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Support to implementation of projects' activities, ensuring quality of business processes;
  • Support to financial monitoring and management of GREAT and EU4GE projects ;
  • Support to GREAT and EU for GE projects planning;
  • Support to knowledge building and knowledge sharing.
  • Support in mainstreaming gender equality.