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Closing date: Thursday, 1 July 2021
1.1 Draft report describing:
- Processes involving victims' identification, assistance and referral, coordination mechanisms and institutions and relevant contacts, with separate schemes for adults and children.
- Institution members of the Anti-Trafficking National Referral Mechanism, including contact information of the members.
- Responsible Authority of the Anti-Trafficking National Referral Mechanism, with a description of duties, roles and contact information.
1.2 Sample of the schematic diagrams for each of the descriptions under point 1.1. The sample must contain the variety of processes, providing a visual representation of all of the individual tasks, processes and accurate description of titles and duties.
By 5 July 2021
Consultations with the anti-trafficking directorate, State Agency of Children's Rights and Protection, Ministry of Interior for updated information and refection of feedback. Meetings will be facilitated by the Presence.
Final report and schematic diagram, based on feedback from the OSCE Presence in Albania
By 15 July 2021